SeaPort-NxG is the Department of the Navy’s primary Multiple Award Contract (MAC) vehicle for acquisition of Engineering, Technical, & Programmatic Support Services. This vehicle supports Navy SYSCOMs including NAVSEA, NAVAIR, SPAWAR, MARCORSYSCOM, NAVSUP, NAVFAC, Military Sealift Command, Strategic Systems Programs, ONR, and related Program Executive Offices (PEOs), labs, warfare centers, and field affiliates.
For more information on the SeaPort-NxG vehicle, see the Navy’s SeaPort-NxG website.
AI was awarded a SeaPort-NxG prime contract on November 19, 2013, and is eligible for awards in Zones 1 (Northeast), 2 (National Capital), 3 (Mid Atlantic), 4 (Southeast), 5 (Midwest), and 6 (Southwest) across all 22 functional areas.The AI SeaPort-NxG Team brings significant capability to the Navy’s acquisition mission.
Quality Assurance Plan
Our team is committed to quality management based on ISO 9001:2008 standards, and the products and services we provide comply with Federal and Commercial standards. Alexandria Insights’ leadership, from the Principal to the Task Order Lead, are actively engaged in developing, implementing, measuring, and acting on the quality assurance program as applied to each Task Order.
We develop a Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) for each Task Order. The QAP includes all the parameters for reviews, and thresholds for quality, that are the basis for the metrics we gather and track through the performance of the contract.
Upon award, our Task Order Lead implements the QAP. Our Task Order Lead uses the established parameters to monitor and review all deliverables and other aspects of contract performance, in conjunction with the rest of the Task Order team, the customer, and our SeaPort-NxG Program Manager. On a monthly basis, our SeaPort-NxG Program Manager receives a report with all quality performance metrics, which he then reviews with our Task Order Lead in order to make internal adjustments to resources, processes, and schedules as needed to optimize our performance and ensure we meet Task Order requirements and completely fulfill customer expectations.